Where There’s a Gill…

Where There’s a Gill…

The gill is a very important organ in any tropical freshwater fish. For humans the act of breathing happens in the lungs. The exchange of carbon dioxide gas for oxygen gas is an important function for all living creatures. But aquarium fish do not have lungs as humans...
Something Fishy: Damselfish

Something Fishy: Damselfish

For those who are interested in saltwater aquariums one of the crucial aspects is choosing which fish to keep.  A saltwater or marine aquarium is one that holds an environment for fish that need saltwater to live in. The tropical fish known from ocean waters require...
Select the Right Freshwater Tropical Fish

Select the Right Freshwater Tropical Fish

Having an aquarium and keeping it stocked with tropical fish seems like a pretty straightforward proposition, doesn’t it? Just go to the pet store, pick out and buy some fish you think are pretty, and taken them home. You’re in business, right? Wrong! There are a lot...