The History of Santa Monica

The History of Santa Monica

History of Santa Monica Pier can be traced back to 1903. During that time, there were already a beach there and the Pier was designed with an ocean view in mind. It has since then evolved into a favorite spot for locals and tourists alike. If you are looking for a...
5 Saltwater Starter Fish You Should Avoid

5 Saltwater Starter Fish You Should Avoid

Saltwater aquariums are popular for their wide range of attractive fish and accessory options. In our last entry, we went over the 6 Big Rules for Choosing Saltwater Starter Fish. However, when selecting fish for your custom aquarium, a list of fish to include is only...
5 Unusual Spots for a Custom Aquarium

5 Unusual Spots for a Custom Aquarium

Everyone loves a custom aquarium. Aquariums have a calming effect on people sitting close by. That’s why they’re so popular for waiting rooms in doctor’s and dentist’s offices. After a hard day of work, it’s restful to spend a few moments...