Choosing creatures called freshwater sharks may seem strangely fascinating to a fish-keeping beginner. Many people who are beginners in keeping aquariums choose tropical freshwater fish for the occupants of their first aquarium. When a beginner isn’t familiar with many of the species available, certain names have appeal. “Freshwater sharks” has an attraction for many. These fish are also distinctive looking and a wonderful addition to any aquarium.

Cyprinidae, Not Sharks

Learning the scientific names of fish may be part of setting up freshwater aquariums. The fish that are popularly called “freshwater sharks” are actually of the family Cyprinidae, and are totally unrelated to ocean sharks. The popular name was given these fish because the shape of their bodies resembles that of the marine predators. Among the types of fish that belong to this group are Bala Shark, Tricolor Shark, Silver Shark, Labeos, Roseline Shark, and the Rainbow Shark.

Aquarium Residents

Owners of custom aquariums like to have interesting looking fish inhabiting the tank. The rainbow shark is a popular choice for aquariums. It is also called the red-fin shark, the rainbow sharkminnow, the ruby shark or the whitefin shark. These fish tend to dwell at the bottom of the tank, where they eat up leftover fish food. They also clean surfaces, eating the algae that might grow on various surfaces. This quality makes them a useful addition to the population of the aquarium.

Freshwater Sharks Compatibility with Other Fish

The trick about selecting aquarium fish for your tank is choosing animals that will live well together. Although a solitary rainbow shark may live mildly with other types of fish in the aquarium, it is not a wise idea to have two in the same tank. Although they get along well with their own kind out in the wild, they tend to be aggressive if they share the same tank. They exhibit fighting behavior which can include threat displays and head-and-tail butting and biting. A larger rainbow shark would also chase a smaller one all around the aquarium. So if the novice fish-keeper wants to include a rainbow shark in their tank population, they should stick to only one at a time.

Selecting fish for a new tank may be a challenge to the novice, so it would be a good idea to find an aquarium service that will be happy to give advice. Experts can help the new aquarium owner choose the ideal residents for the tank. Many comfortable hours can be spent enjoying the movements of an aquarium population.